What is Inspiration?
To be ‘In –Spirit’ and feel a ‘Oneness’ resonate within you.
Victory is that much sweeter after failure.
There are 3 kinds of people-those who swim with the tide, the ones who swim against it and then those who drown. You Choose.
There’s nothing MORE POWERFUL than an idea whose time has come :-)
First live life FEARLESSLY, everyone and everything else will fall in line :-)
Don’t wish people or incidents away. They were there for a reason. They played their role in your play of life. They contributed to the EVOLVED YOU.
The irony of Life- You might be the cause of someone’s misery and also be the reason of another person’s happinessJ
Seasons of life- Autumn-Shedding of the unwanted, Winter-Baring of the soul and surrendering,
Spring-Birth of a NEW you, Summer-Blossoming of U!
Clouds of Doubts will clear and will give birth to a limitless sky of new hopes and dreams with sunshine on the horizon…Keep the Faith :-)
Feel for urself the 'Power' of ur willpower today!
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